Montessori Philosophy

The Montessori philosophy is fascinating. Substantiated by neuroscience and recent discoveries as to how the brain works best, parents and children are intellectually engaged by this educational method developed by Maria Montessori over 100 years ago.


Dr. Montessori was an Italian physician whose career was dedicated to the study of children. She discovered that the characteristics at each stage of human development are unique and that the foundation of the whole personality is laid during the early years of life.


The Montessori philosophy is based on the scientific observations and experimentations with children from all backgrounds. Montessori education capitalizes on children’s developmental stages to help them learn in a natural and self-directed manner. Teachers work with students one-on-one and in small groups, providing instruction tailored to each child’s learning style. Montessori education is designed to help children with their task of inner construction as they grow from childhood to maturity. It succeeds because it draws its principles from the natural development of the child. Due to the method's flexibility, it adapts to the needs of the individual regardless of ability level, learning style, or social maturity.


The Montessori approach puts children at the center of the learning process. In a traditional, lecture-and-textbook setting, the teacher is the focus of the class and is responsible for child’s actions. With Montessori education, the focus is on helping children develop self-discipline, motivation, and the skills to learn for themselves.

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